Saturday, October 23, 2010

green calgary ECOSTORE

I am so pleased to be selling my creations at the ECOSTORE.  These are the new tea towel totes that I dropped off this week.

These are the new recycled burlap clutches.

These are the newest Tie Rose barrettes and pins.  Remember 50% of the proceeds go to supporting green calgary's worthwhile initiatives.

Till Next time !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sustainable Gift Giving Workshop

I am happy to announce that I will be facilitating a Sustainable Gift Giving Workshop with Green Calgary on November 16th. Green Calgary's Ecostore will also be selling the burlap clutches, tea towel tote bags and tie rose pins and barrettes that I have been making.  50% of the proceeds go to supporting Green Calgary so I am very happy to support this organization.  If any of you are interested, Green Calgary offers a great Healthy Homes program to help you analyze and reduce resources water, electricity etc. in your home. Check our their website for many other awesome tips.  It is their fall fundraiser so if you donate $150 or more you will be entered to win an  oak rain barrel.  Good Luck!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Things I made this week

True to my creative recycling self... these are my creations these last few weeks.  Burlap clutch (basmati rice bag), recycled paper notebooks, shabby roses (reused ties, thanks indygo junction!) altered CD photo ornament (memoriesbylynn), halloween tags (wine crate inserts).  My plan this week is to tackle some eco friendly lunch wraps, tea towel totes and children's pillowcase dresses from my stash of vintage fabrics.

New String Bed

I have always wanted a string bed since I visited India.  I wanted to bring the frame and string home, but thought the wood would be too heavy and cumbersome to ship.  Solution... make a string bed here!  So my husband and nephew finally got to work this summer and made the frame.  Then to find someone who new how to weave the jute in the traditional way... luckily my nephew's mother in law new how!  Great job